I recently came across two charts that tell an eloquent story.
The first is one that we have put together using data from the USDA. The chart shows the share of global GDP over the last 40-odd years. Asia has risen to rival USA and Europe in terms of GDP share: each of them contributes roughly a quarter of global GDP now. (The other stunning thing in the chart is the decline of Europe.)
The first is one that we have put together using data from the USDA. The chart shows the share of global GDP over the last 40-odd years. Asia has risen to rival USA and Europe in terms of GDP share: each of them contributes roughly a quarter of global GDP now. (The other stunning thing in the chart is the decline of Europe.)
The second one is even more striking. It comes from the excellent “Asia 2050” report published by the Asian Development Bank. Looking at a longer period in history, the chart shows the turnaround in Asia’s contribution to global GDP starting in mid-20th century. It looks about 40 years ahead and plots an increase to over 50% share of global GDP for Asia by 2050.
As the report puts it, Asia’s rise is not preordained. There are many challenges ahead. But if any one region has the potential to develop and grow, it is Asia!